Friday, October 11, 2013

Give and Take

   Lock 'em Up, Throw 'em Out

  In a local newspaper, two letters repeated the fanciful (and in my view, irresponsible) notion that the way to get a functioning Congress is just to vote everyone out office. One of them also said the immediate solution is to lock the Congress and the President in a room together and not let them out until they reach agreement.

  These recommendations came in a red state and from congressional districts that sent two new tea party members to Congress last year, and a state that ranks among the worst in education, teenage births, single parent families, health insurance, poverty levels, voter turnout, and most every other indicator of government incompetence.

   COMMENT: " them out of office and elect a Congress that will do its job."

   Tell me, how are you going to get the voters to educate themselves on what the new Congressional candidates stand for? We get the Congress we elect, the Congress we deserve, because we don't care enough to become informed.

   Take your two NEW local Congressmen, both tea party members. Both strongly support government shutdown, default on our nation's debts, and doing away with a new health care system that 8 million people tried to sign up for in the first week it was offered (contributing to a computer overload).

   It was clear to anyone who bothered to pay attention that they held the same anti-government beliefs as Newt Gingrich, who was responsible for the previous shutdown. So, they naturally fell in behind Ted Cruz, who has visions of himself as the second coming of Gingrich and his "contract with America."

   As for your lock-'em-up solution, that sounds a lot like the military takeover in Egypt where they locked up the president (Morsi) and threw out the parliament. (I am glad they got rid of Morsi but regret the way they had to do it.)

   My main point: Citizens have to take responsibility, inform ourselves, and then vote intelligently instead of voting for ideology and emotion. The problem does not start with Congress. It starts with us.

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