Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Defensive Victory

Wednesday night brought only a defensive victory for the forces of Camelot II. A mere 40 Barbarians led a 16 day siege of the castle, brought up their battering ram (debt ceiling), then withdrew with a concession on the sequester. And they vowed to renew the siege in 3 months.

In my deep red state, new Republican registrations this year far outnumber Democrats. Camelot forces nationwide must register new recruits door to door in below-median neighborhoods. Each household must be given a compelling list of the miseries the Barbarians already have wrought on the poor, the middle class, and the nation, and what they hope yet to do. By and large, voters have little idea of what the conservatives have done to them.  Without a successful inform-and-register blitz,, their will be no spring, summer, or November victories.

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